Friday, June 04, 2010

Five years, really!!!

I find it hard to believe that I started this blog five years ago and then apparently fell off the face of the earth -- or maybe just life interfered. I am hoping to actually doing the things that I love and spending less time reading about what other do.

Friday, December 30, 2005

How weird is that?

Didn't know that you could get "spammed" on a blog. Just had three messages from two unknown people with exactly the same wording. Of course I didn't open in my e-mail but went to the blog to see what the messages were.

Maybe I need to be a little more active in keeping this up-to-date. One of the changes I want to make for the new year.

Monday, May 02, 2005

Ever persistent

I'm hoping that this will work for posting an image of the Robin's Jacket redesign I tried to post earlier.

Friday, April 22, 2005

Irresistable Pieces

I love a bargain! Jo-Ann's was having a daffodil sale today and one of the sale items was Simplicity patterns 5 for $5.00. I managed to buy over $68 in patterns for $5. Not bad. Source for all pictures below:

Simplicity 7186
Just love how they put an anorexic model on the pattern envelope for a plus size pattern!

Simplicity 4632; thought this would look good on most of us.

Simplicity 4637; also lots of good possibilities.

and for baby-to-be Simplicity 4711; really liked how they had something comparable for both boys and girls. I also got a layette pattern which I cannot access from the Simplicity pattern site. Basically it is rompers, t-shirts, jackets and a blanket -- pattern #9275.

Monday, March 28, 2005

Oh, boy? Oh, girl?

My mind has been buzzing with ideas for sewing for new grandbaby to be -- and the greatest part is that I don't even have to shop for fabric having "stashed" many, many fabrics for the someday to come.

Nancy Zieman had a great program recently on
credit: Sewing with Nancy
Serge & Sew for Babies: So many really cute items for either a boy or a girl.

Of course, I can't see Fred going for a little heart wreath, so think that I will stick to the more traditional layette items...

Life is so good!

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Tools of the trade

The backbone of any expertise is knowledge. Knowledge used in sewing comes from books as well as experience. Lack of knowledge is probably the biggest roadblock in moving from novice to skilled. Having the reference books is beneficial, but only if you read them. I admire many of the women on Sewing World who when faced with a fit or style issue, promptly go to their reference books to find information. While mine are neatly aligned on my bookshelf in my sewing room - many of them look just as they did when I bought them -- brand new! It seems to me that sewing books should be like cookbooks -- you should be constantly adding comments on what worked and what didn't.

My "training" in sewing being self-taught, seems to have some big holes in it. It is not just taking some fabric and stitching it together; rather it is understanding how the pattern was designed, selecting the correct fabrics, thread, needles, interfacing, lining, etc. and understanding why these are the right choices. That all comes from knowledge. Experience will give you the skills to apply that knowledge but first you have to have the "book learning." I have picked up alot of information by osmosis, sewing expos, watching TV programs, etc. But this is a little like Trivial Pursuit -- you know a little about a lot.

My challenge this month is to define the process by which I will select pattern, fabric, thread, needle, nap of fabric, straight of grain, notions, pre-treatment of fabrics and all those other pieces that go into creating a garment before you put scissors to fabric.

Monday, March 14, 2005

Perserverance pays off

Whew! While I wasn't able to post the picture I wanted, I did find a similar collar treatment on a Vogue pattern and was able to post that.

Saturday I stopped by JoAnn's to look at some patterns and found the following:

credit: Vogue Patterns
Vogue 2852 - although would not do the white cuffs that hit at the widest part of the hips! Maybe a patterned fabric that tones with the jacket and skirt.

credit: Vogue Patterns
Vogue 7908 I love this jacket and wish that I had a figure that could wear it. It would probably look great on Leigh with her long hip line.

credit: Vogue Patterns@
Vogue 8043 - the rounded collar version. I would need to lengthen as this would hit right on the tummy -- not a pretty look.

credit: Vogue Patterns @
Vogue 7859 - such a pretty outfit; love the flirty skirt and the flexibility of the collar treatment on the jacket.

credit: McCall Patterns @
McCall's 9456 I like the lines on this dress. Would be great out of a slinky fabric for a dressy occasion or in a knit for a more casual look.

credit: McCall Patterns @
McCall's 4510 I'm thinking that this could be incredibly slimming in the right fabrication. Could be very subtle.